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  • PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD PART2 [the breastplate of righteousness]

    Ephesians 6:11 exhorts believers to “put on the whole armor of God” in order to stand firm against the attacks of our enemy, Satan (2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:12). Verses 14 through 17 say, “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” As we wear Christ’s breastplate of righteousness, we begin to develop a purity of heart that translates into actions. Wearing this breastplate creates a lifestyle of putting into practice what we believe in our hearts. As our lives become conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), our choices become more righteous, and these godly choices also protect us from further temptation and deception (Proverbs 8:20; Psalm 23:3. SO PUT ON THE BREASTPLACE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS!

  • Important message

    Thank you everyone for 300 views. To celebrate we will add a special edition to the website. The website may be down for a few days. I hope to not create any problems. Thank you!

  • PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD PART1 [the belt of truth]

    The belt of truth is the first piece of the “full armor of God” to be listed in Ephesians 6:10–17. The passage begins with the admonition from the apostle Paul to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” This is the key to understanding the armor of God. All the pieces of the armor belong to Him and come from Him. Truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, and salvation—all are gifts of God to His people for their defense. All except “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (verse 17) are defensive in nature. All are designed to help us “stand against the schemes of the devil” (verse 11). The belt of truth is the first part of the armor listed because, without truth, we are lost, and the schemes of the devil will surely overpower us. It is fitting that the belt of truth is the first piece of the whole armor of God. Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), and it is only through Him that we come to God. Therefore, truth is of the utmost importance in the life of a Christian. Without truth, the rest of the armor would be of no use to us because we would not have the Spirit of truth (John 15:26). SO PUT ON THE BELT OF TRUTH!

  • God does not like lies

    .The Lord detests lying lips. But He delights in those who tell the truth. Proverbs12:24 This verse means that God hates lies but it doesnt mean God hates you . So next time you feel like lying stop and listen.


    Being kind isnt that hard just follow these 3 steps Love others around you Be helpful Be cheerful KINDNESS IS STRONG


    The Bible is powerful and impactful. It has sold more copies than any other book. Parts of the Bible have been translated into more than 1,500 languages, and translations into many other languages are in progress. Six in 10 Americans say that their interaction with the Bible has changed their life. Completed nearly 2,000 years ago, the Bible has stood the test of time. Jesus says about it, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away” (Matthew 24:35, New International Version). His statement has proven true. The Bible is just as applicable today as it was then. The Bible was inspired by God and penned by dozens of authors who knew and followed Him. There are 66 individual books in the Bible. The books are written in a number of genres, including narrative history; proverbs; prophecy; law; genealogy; personal letter and poetry focused on worship, romantic love and mourning. The first 39 books of the Bible make up the Old Testament, which includes, among many other things, the historical account of God making promises to the nation of Israel and the Israelites continually rebelling against God. The New Testament is made up of 27 books and starts with four accounts of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. From there, the New Testament goes on to describe how Christianity spread across the world and the message that Jesus’ followers communicated as they spread it. Interwoven throughout the Bible is the redemptive work of God. Each book points to His master plan to rescue broken and desperate people and restore their relationships with Him through Jesus. Even though Jesus does not show up until the New Testament, the Old Testament still anticipates Him with prophecies, promises and foreshadowing.Seeing the Bible as one story with multiple authors all writing with the same overarching theme in mind brings unity to the Bible. Next time you read a passage from the Bible, take time to look through that text and see how it connects to Jesus.That is why we read the Bible.


    God has given each one of us unique abilities, talents, and gifts. The question is, how do we put them to work? God has entrusted us with certain resources, gifts and abilities. Our responsibility is to live by that trust by managing these things well, according to his design and desire. Jesus summarized the moral law this way: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:36-40).You see God gave us talents to serve him. Sadly some people dont use their talents for God. So use your talents for God!


    There has been much discussion on the topic specifically involving verses in Job 40-41. Job is considered to be the oldest book of the Bible. Scholars, in studying Job's longevity (he lived up to 140 years), descriptions of his wealth and household, believe he was most likely alive after the time of Noah, but before the time of Abraham.


    Almost all kids are afraid of the dark but why? They think about monsters , robbers, etc. etc. etc. All they need to do is pray . If you dont know how to not be fearful just follow these steps- 1. pray 2. face your fear of the dark 3. read a book[not necessary] 4. open lights[not necessary] 5. just relax There is nothing to fear if you are saved .Its just your imagination.

  • Abrahams obedience and a message to you

    Genesis 12 says that God told Abraham to get out of his country[Ur].Abraham obeyed immediately and God blessed him for it. If God is talking to you and you are not obeying, listen to God, and He will bless you for it. Important message. The website may be down for a few days because of an important Update.

  • For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    God sent His only son for us, so that we can have eternal life. If the Lord is speaking to your heart, and you have neglected God for too long, Give your life to Jesus, and believe in our heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

  • Welcome to Your Tower of Refuge

    Here we will try to learn Gods will for us. I hope to see you in the near future.

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